Top tips to guarantee you make a great first impression with a franchisor

When meeting a franchisor for the first time, it can be a very daunting experience. Not only are you there representing and selling yourself, but also having to ensure you come across in a way that makes you the perfect franchisee. In this article, we go over some top tips in order for you to make that great first impression which will make you a cut above the rest.

From the initial idea of searching up franchising, you need to be methodically planning how you are going to approach this next big chapter in your life. When you eventually get down the line and begin preparing for a meeting with a franchisor, you are going to have had to of done more than just do a little background research.

As soon as you arrive, franchisors are going to be consciously and subconsciously judging you. Fact. It even goes as far as researchers suggest, people can make opinions of someone’s trustworthiness and other characteristics within less than a minute of meeting. That does not leave much margin for error. However, we will explain below how you can confidently know you ace the initial meeting.

Dress to impress

It goes without saying that turning up to any formal event, even more importantly a business meeting, in the attire is mandatory. If you are dressed like you have been dragged through the bushes backwards and by your hair, then unfortunately this will score you down with the franchisor. Ensure that you are appropriately dressed in smart wear, either a suit; shirt, tie, trouser/skirt; or perhaps that blazer you have hiding somewhere.

Smelling nice, having fresh breath, hair in place and looking the part will not only send off positive signals to the franchisor but will help you feel confident and positive for your meeting. This advice does not just apply for face-to-face meetings, but also the ever more present virtual ones too. If holding a zoom call, still dress up and look the part as again it gets you in the correct mindset.

Timing is everything

Lateness is a big no no when going to a meeting with a franchisor. It show’s first of all that you cannot stick to deadlines/timescales but it will also come across disrespectful. The meeting should be at the forefront of your mind and one of the most important things of your day, however if you arrive late it comes across as if it isn’t. At the end of the day, they are business owners and have lots of things to do, so they will not tolerate time wasters.

Thoroughly plan your journey whether it be using public transport or by driving there personally. Figure out your route and create a back-up plan if things do not go accordingly. If you are going to be late through unavoidable faults, then ensure you ring ahead and prewarn the franchisor so that they understand and appreciate your professionalism.

The meeting before the meeting

You may arrive at your franchise destination and be a little flustered and nervous, however whatever you do, do not take it out on the receptionist. You hear of horror stories of people arriving at meetings and instantly being rude or dismissive to who they believed to be ‘just’ the receptionist, when in actual fact it turned out to be the franchisor themselves. Do not be a person they talk of.

Talk and show an interest in the receptionist so that you can build a rapport with them. Some franchisors ask their staff their initial impressions too so making a friend early gives you bonus points. If you are engaging and warm, it is much more noticeable and calming for the franchisor.

Be brave and make the first move

We promise we are not giving dating advice. What we mean by this is that if you are proactive in outstretching your arm and instigating the conversation, you are showing you are confident and approachable, which are significant factors a franchisor looks out for. If you are too nervous and the franchisor is having to coax you out of your shell, they may question your ability to lead a project and becoming a franchisee of theirs.

Say cheese!

Similar to dressing, smelling and looking nice, smiling is such a simple way to win over your franchisors. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine looking across the table and seeing someone sat there frowning or looking glum and then convince yourself to give them your franchise licence. We didn’t think so either. Smiling and looking positive helps boost your esteem and makes you seem down-to-earth.

And then you go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like…

When conversing with the franchisor, you may notice that the conversations begin to turn a little more colloquial than the initial ice breakers. After sussing out one another, guards are lowered and things can begin to feel like a normal conversation, which is great. However, do not become too comfortable in this new situation and resort to losing your professionalism. Slang, swearing, inappropriate language and offensive topics are all things you should avoid in order to stay clear of upsetting or ruining your chances. Chat about things easy going such as the weather (British classic) or football teams but keep on topic about business as much as possible.

Don’t be distracted

When entering a meeting you are going to want to check that your phone is either on silent or off when possible. It seems to have become a custom now where people leave mobile phones on the table, although when this meeting is in order you should be sure to leave it in your pocket. Seeing your phone vibrate or light up when receiving a notification will provide you with an opportunity to glance at it or the temptation to pick it up. This will only perceive negative thoughts from the franchisor as they will think they have not got your full attention.

Be interactive

You as a potential franchisee will find yourself in the hot seat for being asked questions. Much of the time the franchisor will want to find out more about you and what you are going to be bring to the equation. However, it is also an opportunity for you to fire back some questions in which you want to know answers for. It will help you get a better understanding of the business but also show that you are keen to learn more. If your questions are answered during the meeting, then try and delve a little deeper into a topic that you have already covered.

Be you!

Despite all the above points shaping and moulding you into the ideal candidate, the most important thing of all is to be yourself. If you go in trying to show off and only highlight your strengths, the franchisor will see this as arrogance and through rose-tinted glasses anyway. Be natural and all your good qualities will shine through.

These were some top tips on how you can go about making a good first impression when meeting with a franchisor. You may meet franchisors at their Discovery Days or at one of the many franchise exhibition shows are open during the year.