Brian Tracy Solutions

Grow your own professional training consultancy with global brand Brian Tracy Solutions.

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Become a Partner of Brian Tracy Solutions

If you’re an experienced, successful business professional who truly wants to use your talent to help others, then this is the entrepreneurial business opportunity for you.

Take Your Entrepreneurial Leap with Confidence

We’ll jumpstart your journey with undeniable brand recognition, a proven set of products, & dedicated support

It is always a courageous leap to become a business owner. Much is out of your control, and even the best new entrepreneurs face struggles. That’s why the most successful business owners stack the deck to their advantage from the beginning. You can start from Day 1 with a world-class product line that businesses in all industries deeply need.

You can leverage Brian Tracy’s 30-year reputation as your own asset. And you can be part of a community of Brian Tracy Solutions Partners who support you and assist you through all your challenges and celebrate your triumphs.

Don’t Let Another Year Go By Without Striving for Your Best

Your talents and experience have gotten you this far. Now is the time to succeed on your terms and reach your true potential.

Many business professionals come to us having worked for decades in their companies. They have worked as Managers, Vice Presidents, and Directors. But they knew they were meant to be running their own ship.

As a Partner for Brian Tracy Solutions, you can have your own high-revenue business that is built based on your vision, your values, and your talents.

Build Your Own Business By Helping Others Succeed in Theirs

This is the perfect opportunity for you if you thrive on making a difference for others.

Thousands of companies around you are deeply struggling. They’re scattered and know they’re not hitting the profit goals they should be. Their communication between departments is muddled. And morale keeps sinking, as employees continue to feel that nothing they do matters.

That’s where you come in

On any given day, you could be helping a Fortune 500 Company reassess their goals.

Or leading a communication workshop for a small business…

Or facilitating sales training for a fast-moving start-up.

You Have All of Our Resources to Support Your Success

You can introduce companies to the DISC Behavioral Profile Assessments, and help them learn how to hire and manage employees better.

Or you might set up an Online Education Platform so they can work more efficiently with their contractors.

As a Partner, you’ll become amazingly good at spotting where companies need help, and then leading them to their true potential. And as they witness themselves succeed, they’ll be so grateful that you came to help them.

Your high fees will seem like a drop in the bucket to them, after you’ve shown them what’s possible.

How We Set You Up For Success As a Partner

High Demand Product Line

  • 10+ World Class Training - courses created by legendary expert Brian Tracy. Digital Courses & Live Workshops that provide state-of-the art learning experience far above the competition.

Ready-To-Go Elite Marketing Materials

  • A full arsenal of sales & marketing collateral that you can use right away for collecting leads, following up, closing deals, and fulfilling orders.

Programs Available in 5+ Languages

  • Unlimited possibilities for distributing Brian Tracy Solutions in different international and cultural markets.

Instant Credibility & Brand Recognition

  • The name "Brian Tracy" is synonymous with professional excellence & business success. Start any sales conversation with a built-in reputation and instant respect as a provider.

Intensive Coaching & Support For New Partners

  • We will coach, train, and support you on your path to success. Our goal is self-sufficiency, so we will get you to mastery as fast as possible, and transition you to ongoing support as needed.

Create Your Business Your Own Way - We're Just The Foundation

Brian Tracy Solutions provides the product, the brand recognition, the training, and the support. But you get to build your own company in your own image.

You are an entrepreneur with your own values, so we encourage you to express that. Use your own logo, your own brand name, and create your own vision.

Decide what kind of business you want to own. If you want, you can create a high energy team… passionately working under your lead.

Or you can operate solo, and create a flexible lifestyle business that suits your own personal needs and what works for your family. You can work under-the-radar as a consultant, quietly changing lives… Or you can become a well-known speaker & thought leader, inspiring professionals nationwide.

You schedule, your customer market, and your process for doing business is entirely up to you. As long as you represent the Brian Tracy name properly, you have complete freedom in how you do business.

Why the Brian Tracy Name Means So Much For Your Business Success

When you say “I’m a Partner of Brian Tracy Solutions,” you have an edge in business that few ever achieve. And you get that asset on Day 1.

Brian Tracy Solutions has 18 years of experience as a company, and Brian Tracy himself has over 30 years as a public speaker, author, and trainer to countless companies. Brian Tracy has written over 85 books and recorded numerous audio programs, many of them bestsellers. He also made numerous keynote presentations for important events, seminars and conferences. It’s been his life mission to help others create maximum achievement on both the personal & professional level.

As a company, Brian Tracy Solutions has taken the timeless principles of Brian Tracy and kept them relevant in an ever-changing world.

Brian Tracy Solutions is constantly on the front lines of helping companies thrive, evolve, and adapt, so they can continuously meet their customers’ needs, as they grow their brands.

As a Partner of Brian Tracy Solutions, you will have the opportunity to continue this legacy, in your own way. You can use the 10+ training programs, as well as the DISC Behavioral assessments, to help companies reach their highest goals and help every team member to enjoy fulfillment in their roles.

The Brian Tracy name will be help you get in the door. The first-rate products will help you create transformations for your clients. But the biggest factor involved will be YOU. Your effort, your energy, your enthusiasm, and your commitment will be what creates the true results for every company you reach. We’re here to help you succeed in every way.

Reach Your Full Potential Become a Brian Tracy Solutions Partner

Employee Career Life

Many Partners express that before joining Brian Tracy Solutions, that they were working stressful, repetitive, unfulfilling jobs, and feeling very stagnant.

  • Unappreciated for Hard Work
  • Long Hours with Little Benefit
  • Always knowing You Could Be Achieving More
  • Capped or Mostly-Capped Income
  • Office Politics & Wasted Time

Partner with Brian Tracy Solutions 

Joining Brian Tracy Solutions as a partner has allowed professionals to be reinvigorated in what they do and look forward to working each day. 

  • Only Working When You Choose... On What You Choose 
  • Unlimited Income Capacity 
  • Achieving Your True Potential 
  • Complete Freedom in Your Professional Life 
  • Knowing You’re Truly Making a Difference

What is the SUCCESS SERIES?The ‘very best of’ Brian’s personal achievement and professional development tools and techniques synthesized into dynamic, 1-day programs.Only the essentials:Time managementLeadershipSales strategyPeak performanceThe SUCCESS SERIES is based on time-tested, proven methods.What you achieve is determined primarily by the way you think about yourself, your work, your life and the people around you.Change your thinking, and you will improve the quality of everything you do...

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